Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prayers Unanswered

Two people sitting on a train. There is a space between them, the dreaded middle seat. I watch in amusement as two men enter the car. Man A is small and petite. Man B is.............let's just say he's not small and petite.

The lady reading her paper starts frantically praying that Man B doesn't do the unthinkable. Unfortunately for her Man B makes a dash for the seat. As he eases himself into the seat she is shaking her head and rolling her eyes. His backside is in but now he wants to get his shoulders in. LOL!

She's pissed and can no longer take him intruding on her newspaper space and voices her concerns. Rather loudly I might add. I had to turn down my iPod for a few stops so that I could enjoy the entertainment.

Gotta love commuting!!
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