Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mass Transit Annoyance

"They can't be serious" is all that went through my mind as I climbed hills and valleys to get to the train station today. Not one plow nor car has been through my block. Shout out to my neighbors for at least trying to create a single file passageway for us commuters. I mean they didn't have a choice with the news saying that tickets will be issued.

Who issues tickets to NYC Sanitation?! Which office is that? Because apparently they aren't doing their jobs. Despite numerous reports of them working around the clock I have yet to see the proof.

The tall tales of the MTA will have you believe that service is on or close to schedule. But the harsh reality, after walking 45 mins to the nearest and only train working in the neighborhood, is that service is semi-suspended. How the dixie can you call that limited? When I have to walk to Timbuktu to get to the station and still wait almost 20 mins for the next train!!!

And of course the train is packed beyond words and yet couples still want to hold hands and play kissy face instead of holding on the pole. Everyone getting on the train is giving a lecture about moving in because we all trying to get to work. Well sir unless you have a miracle pill to make me disappear its just not gonna happen. I feel for you, yes I do, well not really because you didn't have to walk 45 mins for the train (did I mention that already?!)

And the good news is this is only the first and second leg of my journey. I now have to catch two PATH train and then walk another 10 mins before arriving at my desk.

Thank you Mother Nature, NYC Sanitation, Mayor Bloomberg and MTA!!

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