Oldies but Goodies

October 19, 2009
So I wake up this morning mad that Monday has arrived so quickly and angry that I need to wear a winter coat. I go outside and face the brisk morning air and miss the first train. Oh well the next one is coming in 2 minutes. Wow I can actually sit down!!! I settle in listening to BP3 and apparently I'm a little too settled.

I wake up at 14th street(slept the entire commute) I get off next stop....and then I doze off again only to awake at the last stop on the train!!! Now I have to get on another train and go back to my stop thus adding 15 more mins to my commute.

I hate Monday mornings lol
Commuter Conclusion 10-14-09
Today like most days my commute was filled with foolishness. Fox5 said that today is a Day of Outrage: MTA workers were going to drive slower today than usual. Oh great!! I'm still trying to figure that one out.

So I proceed to get on the crowded train and guess what it takes forever and a day to get to 6th ave (L train). I finally get a seat and by now the train is beyond crowded so much so that the person standing in front of me thought that sitting on my lap to let others off was her best option. Really?! What da dixie? I don't know you get up off me!!!

Then I head through the wind tunnel to the PATH and this little kid basically pushes me through the turnstile!!! Is it wrong that I tripped him??

I'm kidding...lol but now I'm on this train and the idiot driving overshoots the stop(first two cars are in the tunnel) after 5 mins of nothing they decide to go forward to the next stop. Completely passing my stop!!! So I had to go deeper into jersey and then go back to my stop.

Commuter (J)ourney
So today I had to take the J train...(Deep sigh)

It was Just as bad. First I get on the express that decided to go local uuuggghh but thankfully I get a seat. Only to have this big burly man squeeze into a seat previously occupied by a very slender woman...smh. Then after decided that my sitting on my thigh was Just to uncomfortable he gets up. Then a lady sits down and she decides to get comfortable and slaps me in the face with her scarf!!!

Meanwhile my fellow commuter got a one day unpaid suspension for cursing Jose out. Apparently he and Jose had an understanding but then Jose changed his mind causing my fellow commuter to go off on him and ger suspended. How do I know this you ask? He was talking extremely loud and the entire car heard him lol
But I've concluded that it must be me. I must have a sign on my forehead that tells people to mess with me
my ridicu(L)ous commute
I'm still trying to figure out why my 75 minute commute home turned into 120 minutes. I can't understand why one of the shortest MTA lines has the most service disruptions. "Because of an earlier incident L trains are running slower than usual" that means its faster for you to get out and walk because this train is going to stop at every stop, then wait for 10 mins before proceeding into the tunnel which will take another 10 mins to get to the next stop!!

This also means that I have to endure this annoying man sitting next to me who feels he should sit spread eagle and read his paper while constantly tapping his feet. And if that isn't enough the lady across from me feels the need to use her feet to make music sounding like an mariachi band. Along with the occassional loud outburst from the construction worker. Who keeps yelling "come on the light is green" as if he knows what that means.

All I wanted was to get home early so that I could get some rest but thanks to the Lovely L train I ended up arriving home with a headache.

Path Woes
So let me get this straight you push shove and almost dismember your body to get on this crowded train and then went it stops you stand right there in the doorway and expect people to go around you!! Really!?!

I have a pet peeve about escalators. Why must I push myself to far right of the steps while allowing you and your fellow law breakers to walk and run up the left side?! I'm tired and my commute is over an hour I have no need to run upstairs unless I'm at the gym. Therefore, don't get mad when I ask the police officer if they are supposed to be running on the steps? And don't get mad if he chooses to block the left side allowing me the freedom to enjoy this 2 min escalator ride. Lol. I don't make the rules and if you must run use the stairs lol
Commuter Ta(L)es
I bet you thought I forgot about this. Or maybe you thought my commute wasn't that bad. HA!!!

I've just been too cramped to write. I understand that you and your friend take the train together. However, that doesn't mean that both of you are going to stand on back on this overcrowded train.

I paid 2.25. You paid 2.25. How much did your backpack pay? So spare me the attitude and huff and puffs because I told you to move the bag so I can sit down!!

What irks me the most is that on an overcrowded train, where everyone is standing on their tippy toes; people feel the sudden urge to turn when the train approached the station. Now where exactly do you want me to go?!? Backup off me and wait until the doors open!!

Finally, please wash your hands after riding MTA. All those sniffling, sneezing folks aren't using tissue they use their hands (yuck) and then they grab the pole for balance. H1N1 is real and spreads. That's my public service announcement for the day :-)
(L)oose Cannon train
The L train is officially for looney people. This guy is on the train singing loud and wrong. This is what he's saying: its My Purrogative (that's how he says it lol). Everybody talking all this stuff about me why can't they just leave me live I don't decisions to make my own decisions its my purrrogative. They say I'm crazy.they say I'm crazy

LOLOL straight comedy how can you not know the words to that song after 20 years!!!