Friday, October 15, 2010

"I've seen it all"

There are two little girls sitting in the two seater. Their father is standing directly in front of one of them. A lady boards the train and darn near knocks me down. I'm thinking wow she really wants to stand by the door lol.

But oh no, she thought there was a seat there and upon noticing a body in the seat she has the gall to try and sit between the two girls. And when she realizes her plan is absurd she gestures to the father that she would like to sit down. He gave her the look like yeah right lady.

Now this whole incident might have gone unnoticed if it wasn't for that one passenger who observed the incident and loudly said "is she serious?!?" Thus drawing attention from other commuters. Lol

I really need to turn these headphones down because I didn't realize I said that so loudly LOL!!

Happy Friday
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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