Friday, October 22, 2010

Commuter Vaudeville

Seriously the "L" train has too much going on. First there's this dude practicing his isolation movements and hat tricks right next to me. All I can think about is that hat better not touch me I'm not in the mood. He was really annoying me.

Then the gypsy looking dude with a xylophone enters the train along with a lady in short shorts red tights and fish nets. And her face covered in weird black henna markings. I'm thinkinging hope they are just passing through. Yeah right. He starts playing and she starts climbing the poles doing all types of cirque de soleil movements. I felt bad for the people that were sitting in that area because one wrong move and she would've faced down in there laps. So now the isolation dude is videotaping her and she hands out a card about her donation based circus training class REALLY?!?

And not to be outdone the good ole MTA conductor comes out and tells us we have to evacuate the car because someone just vomited and no one can be in that car. (Deep sigh) its just too much for a Friday Night commute. Its just too much. SMH
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